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At Virtus Wealth Management, your Southlake independent financial advisors, we help our clients prepare for a financially-secure future by developing long-term strategies that focus on the “big picture” versus short-term gain, thereby managing risk.

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Today’s economic conditions and uncertain financial markets require the savvy investor to go beyond traditional boundaries.


Our mission is to provide innovative, sophisticated and highly customized wealth management solutions and financial advice that address all facets of your finances.

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We tailor everything to each of our clients’ specific needs so that each client can pursue his or her different goals.

Virtus Wealth Management

Virtus Wealth Management is the product of a 2016 merger between two well-established Texas wealth management firms.

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Wealth management is more than just investment advice – it includes all aspects of a client’s financial life.

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Wealth management is more than just investment advice – it includes all aspects of a client’s financial life.

Who We Help

At Virtus Wealth Management, we believe we can help you no matter what age you are, what life stage you are in, or how much money you are working with. We want you to feel educated, empowered, and involved in the planning of your financial future.

The Power of Affiliation

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  • The Power of Affiliation

Aug 30, 2017

As our clients know, Virtus Wealth Management is an independent wealth management firm which allows us to choose the investments and services that are an appropriate fit for our clients’ goals and needs.  This commitment to independent and objective financial advice helps to preserve the integrity of our investment advice.

As an independent firm, we are required by the SEC to be registered with a Broker-Dealer, and our Broker-Dealer is LPL Financial.  Our professionals specifically chose to affiliate with LPL Financial as our Broker-Dealer for several reasons.

  • LPL provides objective market research, compliance oversight, innovative technology, and ongoing practice consulting and training.
  • LPL is the nation’s largest independent Broker-Dealer1 with a history of excellence and advisor autonomy as a core tenet of their business from the start.
  • The LPL Financial SIPC Membership provides account protection up to a maximum of $500,000 per customer, of which $250,000 may be claims for cash. An explanatory brochure is available at Additionally, through London Insurers, LPL Financial accounts have additional securities protection to cover the net equity of customer accounts up to an overall aggregate firm limit of $575,000,000 subject to conditions and limitations. The account protection applies when an SIPC member firm fails financially and is unable to meet obligations to securities clients, but it does not protect against losses from the rise and fall in the market value of investments.
  • LPL does not offer proprietary investment products or engage in investment banking activities.

We believe that effective wealth management is enhanced by the right partner.  In the same way that our clients benefit from our knowledge and guidance, we benefit from the insights and oversight of LPL Financial.  This is the power of affiliation.

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