It’s hard to believe that tax season is here already. In an effort to help our clients be...

When we were first married an insurance agent came to the house to set up our auto and home insurance coverage. When completed he thanked us and said the next thing we need to talk about is estate planning. Say What? We don’t have an estate (mansion, acreage, investments). I thought he was nuts. Since then I have transitioned from aerospace engineering to the financial services industry for more than thirty years. I am now the one suggesting estate planning.
Yes, I sometimes get the same look I gave the insurance agent years ago. So, what is it and do I really need to be talking about it? For most people it is getting a will. “But if I get a will it means I’m going to die.” Sorry, that is not determined by getting a will, and yes sorry again but if you didn’t know, no one lives on the third rock from the sun forever. But it is much more than a will.
Here are some examples that I have experienced over the years.
These are a few examples that comprise estate planning. Perhaps it may be better called “full cycle financial planning”. Even without a mansion, acreage, or millions in assets it is important. We all should have a will, durable power of attorney, medical power of attorney and a physician’s directive. But also all beneficiaries should be current. Guidance on what to do with certain assets may also be very important.
To assist in this “full cycle financial planning”, my firm offers The Virtus Vault to store documents and assets. We also make available a form “love letter” which can be filled in by you providing all the necessary information for survivors to complete one’s affairs after passing.
I will submit that not doing estate planning may actually be considered selfish on our part if we chose to ignore.
The information provided here is for general information and educational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. Each person’s situation will be different, please speak to a financial advisor about your individual situation before taking any actions.